Privacy policy.

**Tropical Aesthetics Privacy Policy**

**Australian Privacy Principles**

Tropical Aesthetics (“we”, “our”) is dedicated to upholding the privacy and confidentiality of personal information. We believe that the responsible use of personal information collected is crucial to our business objectives and reputation. Our practice is subject to the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988, and we will adhere to the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) when collecting, using, disclosing, securing, and providing access to personal information.

As part of our commitment to privacy, we have adopted this Privacy Policy, which deals with the management of personal information. The contents of this Privacy Policy are subject to change and are not intended to create a contract between us and any individual or entity that provides us with personal information.

**Personal Information Collection**

“Personal information” is any information, including any opinion, about an identified individual or an individual who is reasonably identifiable, whether the information or opinion is true or not and whether the information or opinion is recorded in material form or not.

“Sensitive Information” is personal information given a greater level of protection under the Australian Privacy Principles, such as information or an opinion about your health, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions and memberships, religious or philosophical beliefs, sexual orientation, criminal records, genetic information, and biometric information. We only collect such information to the extent necessary to provide our services to you or where required by law.

We may invite you to provide information about yourself so that we are able to provide our services to you. The extent and type of personal information we receive from you depend on the information you provide to us through our website, telephone, face-to-face meetings, and/or when you request services and the type of services you request.

In order for us to properly administer our business and to provide you with our services or otherwise to deal with you, we generally require your:

- Name, mailing and street address, email address, contact numbers;

- Other information for the purpose of providing services to you;

- Any information that relates to you, that you provide to us directly through our website, email, written letters, and phone conversations.

Where it is lawful and reasonable to do so, you can remain anonymous or use a pseudonym if you wish; however, it may reduce the type and quality of services we will be able to provide.

**Use and Disclosure of Personal Information**

We use the personal information you provide to deliver services most suited to your needs. We use your personal information to:

- Communicate with you and respond to your requests;

- Provide you with information about our services;

- Provide you with services;

- Administer and manage those services (including billing);

- Market our services by promotional and educational material and invitations;

- Gather feedback on our services or our website;

- Upload or download information; and

- Comply with any legal or regulatory obligations.

We may use your personal information to inform you about our other services from time to time; however, we will give you an opportunity to decline to receive such communications. The personal information you provide to us will be retained only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which the information was collected or as required by law. We do not share personal information with third parties except as set out below or otherwise as necessary to provide our services or as required by law or other legal processes, and we never sell your personal information.

The third-party individuals/organizations to which we disclose your personal information, where necessary, may include our outsourced providers which manage the services we provide, your authorized representatives and professional advisors, our professional advisers (including our accountants and auditors), external companies required for services to be provided, government and regulatory authorities, and other similar organizations, as required or authorized by law. We will release information about you to comply with any valid legal inquiry or process such as a search warrant, subpoena, statute, or Court order. By submitting information online through our website or email, you acknowledge that information can be collected and used by third parties. Although we strive to protect your privacy, we cannot guarantee the security of information you post in these forums. You disclose such information at your own risk.

**Data Access and Quality**

We take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we collect, use, or disclose is accurate, complete, and up-to-date. You can request access to the personal information we hold about you if you wish to do so by contacting us via email, phone, or in person. If we are unable to provide you with access, we will explain why. We reserve our rights to charge a fee for searching for and providing access to your information. You can contact us at any time via email, phone, or in person to update your information, and we recommend you do so as and when required.


“Cookies” (small text files placed on your computer when you first visit our website) may be used on some parts of our website in accordance with our Cookie Policy [LINK].

**Overseas Transfer**

We use systems which rely on servers in various locations, including overseas. This means that your personal information may be transferred overseas for the purpose of storage on servers. If you elect to provide personal information to us, you are deemed to consent to the overseas transfer of such information. Apart from the above, we will only transfer your personal information overseas if: we are required to do so by law; we reasonably believe that the recipient will be required to uphold privacy principles which are similar to the Australian Privacy Principles; you have consented to the transfer; it is not practical to obtain your consent or the transfer is for your benefit and your consent is likely to be given; the transfer of the information is necessary for the performance of a contract between you and us; or we have taken reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information will not be held, used, or disclosed by the overseas recipient in a way that does not comply with the Privacy Act and/or the APPs.

**Data Security**

We are committed to protecting your personal information from misuse and loss, and from unauthorized access, modification, and disclosure, and will take reasonable steps to do so. Our personnel who have access to personal information have been trained to maintain the confidentiality of such information.

**Further Information**

We recognize our responsibility for protecting the privacy of your personal information. If you have a complaint about our administration of your personal information, please contact us. You may also contact us to communicate any questions or comments you may have regarding compliance with our Privacy Policy. Any complaints should follow the template provided by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, which we will review and provide a response within 30 days. If you are not satisfied with how we handled your complaint, you can lodge a complaint with us or with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at:

- Telephone: 1300 363 992

- Post: GPO Box 5218 Sydney NSW 2001

- Facsimile: +61 2 9284 9666

- Email:

- Website: